Edits By Mr. K (digital) Vol. 17

Edits By Mr.K has a new home... editsbymrk.com
This week, Edits By Mr.K Vol. 17
A work in progress, past volumes should be up soon.
Thank you for all the wonderful support,
I really appreciate it.
Danny :)


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Source: https://www.editsbymrk.com/music

Edits By Mr. K (digital) Vol. 16

Here we are, already the end of June & Gay Pride weekend. & For the past 17 years our annual 718 Sessions Boat Party, but unfortunately postponed this year due to Covid-19. Missing you all so much! If things keep continuing to go right with the city reopening... Hopefully we can still make it happen before the summer is over, will keep you posted. For now, please enjoy a little music with my latest Edits By Mr. K Vol. 16. Have a wonderful Gay Pride... & keep wearing those masks, Danny :)


Source: https://www.editsbymrk.com/music

Remembering Whitney Houston

Remembering Whitney Houston... her amazing voice could make just about anything sound spectacular, hard to believe there were only 2 songs of hers I would pump in the club... The David Morales RMX of "Love Saves The Day" & Yvonne Turner RMX of "I'm Your Baby Tonight"... I do play them a lot, but wish there were more.

In 1985 I had just started a residency at a performance club on the upper west side at a place called Sweetwaters. My first night I would play music after that night's featured performer, Cissy Houston, who I liked & was very familiar with, but this was also the debut of her daughter, Whitney Houston. That was an unforgettable night & I became an instant fan.

For Body & Soul's MLK celebration I had the opportunity to play my edit of Yvonne Turner's fabulous remix of I'm Your Baby Tonight... & now finally released this past week on Bandcamp, enjoy, Danny Krivit :


Edits By Mr. K (digital) Vol. 15

Hope you've all well & hoping you're not letting your guard down with all the safeguards that make up our new normal. I'm really happy about a lot of great music I have to share with you this week in Edits By Mr. K Vol. 15. Look forward to seeing you all again soon, Danny


Source: https://www.editsbymrk.com/music

Syreeta "Can't Shake Your Love"

Syreeta "Can't Shake Your Love"...
always loved this song, especially when I heard it in the Garage, as Larry had a special remix, he had done that he apparently never shared with anyone & I never heard it anywhere else. When The Garage finally closed I never heard it again... until one day a few years later.

Before A-1 records, the owner, Isaac used to sell records at the 26th st & 6th ave flea market every weekend & I got to know him pretty well. I would get there very early before the sun was up & was still dark, & the record dealers were just unloading to set up for the day. This day Isaac said to me "I think I got a really nice collection today, I think you'll be very happy". He probably had about 75 milk crates of records & it took me a couple of hours to go through them all. Luckily, I was there that early & I got my clear pick of things. It was a very good group, so I ended up taking home about 2 crates of some great tittles. As I was getting to the end, I found an acetate just tittle Can't Shake Your Love Remix, It looked like the one I would see Larry play, so I got a bit exited. There was no place to hear records beforehand... but they were a buck a piece!... so you know I bought it. As I looked through everything again before I paid for them, it really started to sink in that this was no random group or records... these were some of Larry Levan's records. What clinched it was 2 white label promo's of "Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll" signed to Larry Levan on the jacket. Larry didn't play that song that much... so they were mint.

When I got home, I went right to the "Can't Shake Your Love". That's when I finally got to see it in the light... it was in awful shape, there was a clear footprint on it, & it skipped in several places. It's very difficult to really clean an acetate properly, but right away I could tell this was Larry's remix. So I just lightly dusted it off & recorded it before it got any more damage. Like I said, it skipped in several places, so I needed to edit the skips & pops out, it actually turned out quite well.

I ran in to Larry a short while after that & I mentioned to him that I think I bought about 2 crates of his records... he seemed quite uninterested, as in the end he had a lot of his records all over the place, at different people’s houses, some people that weren't really that close to him. But when I mentioned that I found the Syreeta, he got very excited & said "I gotta have that back"! We were close friends, so I said "sure... but the acetate is in awful shape, with an actual boot print on it & skips in several places". His smile dropped, & I said, "but I edited it back together pretty well & I could give it to you on reel". He was like "yes, I want that, but I also want the acetate too" I said no problem & gave it to him a few days later. That was the last time I saw him, as he passed away shortly after that. Wow, really miss him.

Like so many special versions of songs Larry had, I always remember this one standing out. In 2016 they reissued a CD of the original Lp with bonus tracks of Larry's remix, the sound quality was really good... but it still wasn't THAT mix. Back in the early 90's I gave my edit to a friend at JVS records & he put it out... even though the mastering was not great, it's still my favorite version.

Edits By Mr. K (digital) Vol. 5

Hope you all are well, I really miss sharing music with you & being all together. For now I'm just forging through getting more of my edits out digitally, latest group (below). Thank you always for the support, Just doing my best to remain positive & looking forward to when we'll all be together again... hopefully soon. Thank you all for the wonderfully warm birthday wishes, I miss you all! Danny :)


Source: https://www.editsbymrk.com/music

Edits By Mr. K (digital) Vol. 2

Very tough times... hope you all are doing well & taking good care of yourselves.
Here's a few more Edits By Mr. K (digital) Vol. 2, some familiar, some not, enjoy, Danny :)

Edits By Mr. K (digital) Vol. 2

More Music & Edits by Danny Krivit / Mr. K

Source: https://www.editsbymrk.com/music