I Like (What You're Doing To Me)

I Like (What You're Doing To Me) (Edit By Mr. K).jpg

In all the years I went to the Garage… I was good friends with Larry & yet, I did feel uncomfortable to ask him to make me a tape from the night, I knew he thought of recording as not only a distraction, but also a distorted view of that actual moment in real time in the club. But once I just couldn’t resist & asked.

When I gave him a blank cassette... & he made a slight sneer, but he still was OK & made it. I‘ll always remember that was the first night he got “I like (What you’re Doing To Me)”. Very often when he was hot on a song, he would play it more than once in a night, sometimes many times. I was dancing when “I like (What you’re Doing To Me)” came on, he was mixing it back & forth & it seemed to go on forever. I didn’t mind, as I couldn’t seem to get enough of it. When the night was ending & I asked him for the cassette, he said he was sorry he had only recorded one side & forgot to turn it over. With a big smile I replied, "no problem", it was a hot night & I felt very happy to have even 45 minutes of it.

When I got home I immediately put on the tape. The first song was “I like (What you’re Doing To Me)”, he was mixing it back & forth, it must have been when I was dancing. before I knew it, the tape ended... that's when I realized the entire side of the tape was “I like (What you’re Doing To Me)”... 45 minutes. I love the atmosphere of that song... It always makes me smile & think of that night :) Danny